This page describes the REST API that the system’s frontend uses to communicate with the backend.


If in the configuration file login_required is set to true, all requests should also pass an authorization header with the Bearer token returned by the login endpoint.

User Management#

Endpoints related to users.


Authenticate user into the system. The Bearer token returned from this call should be passed in the authorization header of all other endpoints.

POST /users/authenticate

Example request:

   "username": "admin",
   "password": "mypassword"

Example response:

    "token": "AGEVuQJsVLCE7AsYBdQerDMopApb7iTZBLGELh6X9WAH23mvgXz",
    "username": "my_username"

Dataset Management#

Endpoints related to datasets. Note that datasets can be shared between workspaces. Therefore, the following endpoints are not in the context of a particular workspace.

Add documents#

Upload a csv file, and add its contents as a collection of documents in the dataset dataset_name. If dataset_name does not already exist, it is created here. If it does exist, the process of adding documents also includes updating labels and model predictions for all workspaces that use this dataset.

The uploaded csv file must adhere to the following format: It should include a ‘text’ column, and may optionally include a ‘document_id’ column as well as metadata columns starting with the ‘metadata_’ prefix.

POST /datasets/<dataset_name>/add_documents

Example request:

Stream of a csv file

Example response:

    "dataset_name": "new_dataset_name",
    "num_docs": 2000,
    "num_sentences": 86944,
    "workspaces_to_update": []

Delete dataset#

Delete dataset with specified name.


This endpoint permanently deletes the given dataset. If the dataset is used by one or more workspaces, those will be deleted too, along with all the categories, user labels and models. The deletion cannot be reversed.

DELETE /datasets/<dataset_name>

Example request:


Example response:

   "deleted_dataset": "my_dataset", 
   "deleted_workspace_ids": ["my_workspace1", "my_workspace2"]

Get list of workspaces using dataset#

Get IDs of all the workspaces that use the given dataset.

GET /datasets/<dataset_name>/used_by

Example request:


Example response:

   "used_by": ["my_workspace1", "my_workspace2"]

Get list of datasets#

Get IDs of all existing datasets.

GET /datasets

Example request:


Example response:

   "datasets": [
         "dataset_id": "dataset1 "
         "dataset_id": "dataset2"

Workspace Management#

Endpoints related to workspace. Note that each workspace is associated with a particular dataset at creation time.

Create workspace#

Create new workspace. The request should include the ID of the new workspace and the ID of the dataset that will be used to populate the workspace.

POST /workspace

Example request:

   "workspace_id": "my_workspace",
   "dataset_id": "my_dataset"

Example response:

   "workspace": {
      "dataset_name": "my_dataset",
      "first_document_id": "my_dataset-1",
      "workspace_id": "my_workspace"

Delete workspace#

Delete workspace with specified ID.


This endpoint permanently deletes the workspace along with all data associated with it, including categories, user labels, and models. The deletion cannot be reversed.

DELETE /workspace/<workspace_id>

Example request:


Example response:

{"workspace_id": "my_workspace"}

Get list of workspaces#

Get IDs of all existing workspaces.

GET /workspaces

Example request:


Example response:

   "workspaces": [

Get workspace info#

Get information for selected workspace.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "workspace": {
      "dataset_name": "my_dataset",
      "document_ids": [
      "first_document_id": "my_datset-0",
      "workspace_id": "my_workspace"

Category Management#

Endpoints related to categories. A category is defined in the context of a particular workspace. As a user works on the system, all labels, classification models etc. are associated with a specific category.

Create category#

Create new category within a specified workspace. The request should include the name and the description of the new category.

POST /workspace/<workspace_id>/category

Example request:

   "category_name": "my_category",
   "category_description": "my_description"

Example response:

   "category_description": "my_description",
   "category_name": "my_category",
   "category_id": "0"

Delete category#

Delete category with specified name.


This endpoint permanently deletes the category along with all data associated with it, including user labels and models. The deletion cannot be reversed.

DELETE /workspace/<workspace_id>/category/<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "workspace_id": "my_workspace",
   "category_id": "0"

Get list of categories#

Get all categories that exist in the selected workspace.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/categories

Example request:


Example response:

   "categories": [
         "category_description": "",
         "category_name": "category1",
         "category_id": "0"
         "category_description": "",
         "category_name": "category2",
         "category_id": "1"

Label Management#

Endpoints related to user-provided labels.

Set element label#

Update the label of a selected element. This endpoint either sets or removes the label for a given element, depending on the value field. If value == 'none', the element’s label will be removed. Otherwise, the element will be assigned a bolean label depending on the string value (“true” -> True and “false” -> False. The update_counter determines whether the label changes will be reflected in the label change counters of the selected category (which may trigger the training of a new model). The parameter should be set to True, except for when labeling elements for precision evaluation.

PUT /workspace/<workspace_id>/element/<element_id>?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:

   "category_id": "1",
   "value": "true",
   "update_counter": true

Example response:

   "category_id": "1",
   "element": {
      "begin": 866,
      "docid": "isear_dev-0",
      "end": 1002,
      "id": "isear_dev-0-7",
      "model_predictions": {
         "1": "false"
      "text": "When I got home I found that the electrical supply had been disconnected despite my having paid ZESCO the full bill a few  days earlier.",
      "user_labels": {
         "1": "true"
   "workspace_id": "another_ws"

Get positive labeled elements#

Get all elements for selected category that have been assigned a positive label by the user.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/positive_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "positive_elements": [
         "begin": 367,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 473,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-3",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "When I realized that I had been wrong about a person close to me, because of pre-set ideas and prejudices.",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true",
            "2": "false"
         "begin": 603,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 803,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-5",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "I feared that I would not be able to hand in the book-report on time as I had started working very late.  The book was difficult to read and my teacher did not accept my work as it was handed in late.",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true",
            "2": "true"

Import labels#

Upload a csv file and add its contents as user labels in the selected workspace. The input file may contain labels for more than one category.

The uploaded csv file must adhere to the following format: It must include ‘text’, ‘category_name’ and ‘label’ columns, and may optionally include a ‘document_id’ column. If document IDs are provided AND app.config["CONFIGURATION"].apply_labels_to_duplicate_texts is False, these labels will be assigned only to elements in the specified documents. Otherwise, labels are assigned to all elements matching the given texts.

POST /workspace/<workspace_id>/import_labels

Example request:

Stream of a csv file

Example response:

    "categories": [
            "category_id": "3",
            "counter": 30
    "categoriesCreated": [],
    "linesSkipped": [],
    "total": 30

Export labels#

Download all user labels from the selected workspace as a csv file. Each row in the csv is a label for a specific element for a specific category.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/export_labels

Example request:


Example response:

Stream of a csv file

Document & Element Management#

Endpoints related to documents and elements. These endpoints are called in the contect of a particular workspace and optionally a category. Thus, they may return not just document and element information from the dataset, but also category labels, model predictions etc. that are associated with a particular document/element.

Get document URIs#

Get IDs of all documents in the dataset associated with the selected workspace.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/documents

Example request:


Example response:

   "documents": [
         "document_id": "wiki_animals_train-1 Unicorn"
         "document_id": "wiki_animals_train-2 Unicorn"

Get document elements#

Get all elements in selected document. Note: The category_id is optional.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/document/<document_id>?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "elements": [
         "begin": 0,
         "docid": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn",
         "end": 37,
         "id": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn-0",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "Startups worth more than 1b unicorn3 ",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true"
         "begin": 38,
         "docid": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn",
         "end": 67,
         "id": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn-1",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "another sentence of unicorn3 ",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true"

Get document positive predictions#

Get elements in the selected document that received a positive prediction from the relevant classification model (i.e., the latest trained model for the category specified in the request). The following optional parameters may be provided as part of the request: The index number size of elements to return and the index start_idx starting from which elements will be returned (used for pagination). If not provided, the following default values are used: start_idx = 0 and size = 100.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/document/<document_id>/positive_predictions?category_id=<category_id>&start_idx=<start_index>&size=<max_results>

Example request:


Example response:

   "elements": [
         "begin": 0,
         "docid": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn",
         "end": 37,
         "id": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn-0",
         "model_predictions": {
                "1": "true"
         "text": "Startups worth more than 1b unicorn3 ",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true"
         "begin": 38,
         "docid": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn",
         "end": 67,
         "id": "isear_dev-3 Unicorn-1",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "another sentence of unicorn3 ",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true"

Get workspace positive predictions#

Get elements in the selected workspace that received a positive prediction from the relevant classification model (i.e., the latest trained model for the category specified in the request). The following optional parameters may be provided as part of the request: The index number size of elements to return and the index start_idx starting from which elements will be returned (used for pagination). If not provided, the following default values are used: start_idx = 0 and size = 100. The response contains the total number of positive predictions in hit_count and the fraction of the positively predicted elements in the entire dataset in positive_fraction

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/positive_predictions?category_id=<category_id>&start_idx=<start_index>&size=<max_results>

Example request:


Example response:

         "docid":"wiki_new-2011 Svalbard polar bear attack",
         "id":"wiki_new-2011 Svalbard polar bear attack-0",
         "text":"2011 Svalbard polar bear attack",
         "docid":"wiki_new-2011 Svalbard polar bear attack",
         "id":"wiki_new-2011 Svalbard polar bear attack-1",
         "text":"The 2011 Svalbard polar bear attack was an attack by a presumed starving polar bear on a group of university students and their guides.",

Query elements#

Get elements matching a regular expression. The following parameters must be provided as part of the request: The query string qry_string containing the regular expression to search for, the number qry_size of elements to return, and the index sample_start_idx starting from which elements will be returned (used for pagination).

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/query?qry_string=<my_query>&category_id=<category_id>&sample_start_idx=<sample_start_index>&qry_size=<query_size>

Example request:


Example response:

   "hit_count": 4,
   "hit_count_unique": 4,
   "elements": [
         "begin": 474,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 602,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-4",
         "model_predictions": {},
         "text": "The sadness came to me when I heard that my girlfriend whom I loved so much got married to another man before a rebuff from her.",
         "user_labels": {
         "2": "true"
         "begin": 28094,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 28158,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-235",
         "model_predictions": {},
         "text": "Sadness, no, I felt something much stronger when my father died.",
         "user_labels": {}

Models & Active Learning#

Endpoints related to models and active learning.

Get labeling status#

Get information about the labeling status for the selected category. The endpoint returns the number of user labels for the category, as well as a number between 0-100 that reflects when a new model will be trained.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/status?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "labeling_counts": {
      "false": 2,
      "true": 15
   "notifications": [],
   "progress": {
      "all": 60

Get all models for category#

Get information about all the iteration flows for the selected category and their current status.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/models?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

    "models": [
            "iteration_status": "READY",
            "changed_fraction": 0.048352962826647035,
            "creation_epoch": 1659865447.163773,
            "estimated_precision": 0.6,
            "estimated_precision_num_elements": 5,
            "iteration": 0,
            "model_metadata": {
                "train_counts": {
                    "false": 53,
                    "true": 86,
                    "weak_false": 119
            "model_status": "READY",
            "model_type": "SVM_Ensemble",
            "positive_fraction": 0.15332857931542143
            "iteration_status": "READY",
            "changed_fraction": 0.038921604711078396,
            "creation_epoch": 1659866548.713974,
            "iteration": 1,
            "model_metadata": {
                "train_counts": {
                    "false": 59,
                    "true": 90,
                    "weak_false": 121
            "model_status": "READY",
            "model_type": "SVM_Ensemble",
            "positive_fraction": 0.1512582811924917

Get elements to label#

Get elements to label. If at least one Iteration has completed for the selected category, the endpoint returns a list of elements that the active learning module recommends that the user labels next. The following optional parameters may be provided as part of the request: The index number size of elements to return and the index start_idx starting from which elements will be returned (used for pagination). If not provided, the following default values are used: start_idx = 0 and size = 100.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/active_learning?category_id=<category_id>&start_idx=<start_index>&size=<max_results>

Example request:


Example response:

   "elements": [
         "begin": 44784,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 44857,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-387",
         "model_predictions": {
            "0": "false"
         "text": "When I heard that my step-mother had treated my mother in a wrong manner.",
         "user_labels": {}
         "begin": 75744,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 75761,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-668",
         "model_predictions": {
            "0": "false"
         "text": "During a meeting.",
         "user_labels": {}

Force train for category#

Manually trigger a new iteration flow.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/force_train?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

    "labeling_counts": {
        "false": 1485,
        "true": 542
    "model_id": "SVM_BOW_1c7ff1f6-fdf8-11ec-8a70-acde48001122,SVM_GloVe_1c8044da-fdf8-11ec-8a70-acde48001122"

Export predictions#

Download the predictions of the model learned during iteration iteration_index for category category_id, as a csv file.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/export_predictions?category_id=<category_id>&iteration_index=<iteration_index>

Example request:


Example response:

    "labeling_counts": {
        "false": 1485,
        "true": 542
    "model_id": "SVM_BOW_1c7ff1f6-fdf8-11ec-8a70-acde48001122,SVM_GloVe_1c8044da-fdf8-11ec-8a70-acde48001122"

Export model#

Download the trained model files for the given category and iteration index. If the iteration is not provided, the model from the latest iteration is exported. In order for this to work, the ModelType curently in use must implement the ModelAPI.export_model() method.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/export_model?category_id=<category_id>&iteration_index=<iteration_number>

Example request:


Example response:

Stream of ZIP file

Model Evaluation#

Endpoints related to evaluation of a model.

Get elements for precision evaluation#

Get a sample of elements that are predicted as positive for the category by the latest model. This sample can be used to evaluate the precision of the model predictions: the user should label this sample of elements. After they are labeled, an invocation of the ‘Run precision evaluation’ endpoint will compare the user-provided labels to the model predictions to estimate the precision of the latest model.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/precision_evaluation_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "elements": [
         "begin": 53760,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 53797,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-471",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "Boyfriend \"chatting up\" another girl.",
         "user_labels": {}
         "begin": 30939,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 31101,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-260",
         "model_predictions": {
            "1": "true"
         "text": "My elder brother had been expelled from college and he was so frustated that he attempted suicide - he drank bottle fragments.  I was very sad when I learnt this.",
         "user_labels": {}

Run precision evaluation#

Run precision evaluation.

POST /workspace/<workspace_id>/precision_evaluation_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:

  "ids": [
    "wiki_animals_2000_pages-Chestnut_headed bee_eater-15",
    "wiki_animals_2000_pages-Hairy_eared cerrado mouse-22",
    "wiki_animals_2000_pages-Spectacled bear-106",
    "wiki_animals_2000_pages-Scimitar oryx-152",
    "wiki_animals_2000_pages-Red_headed trogon-34"
  "iteration": 1,
  "changed_elements_count": 4

Example response:

    "score": 0.98

Cancel precision evaluation#

Cancel precision evaluation.

POST /workspace/<workspace_id>/cancel_precision_evaluation?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:

    "changed_elements_count": 20

Example response:

    "canceled": "OK"

Label Quality Reports#

Endpoints related to label quality reports. These endpoints return labeled elements that may contain potential errors in their labels.

Get label and model disagreements#

Get all labeled elements where the predictions of the latest model for the category differ from the label provided by the user.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/disagree_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "disagree_elements": [
         "begin": 36842,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 37012,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-309",
         "model_predictions": {
            "2": "false"
         "text": "I had wasted some time instead of doing something I needed to do to give to a friend. (Also in the time I wasted I had done some things I did not consider morally right).",
         "user_labels": {
            "2": "true"
         "begin": 37013,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 37338,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-310",
         "model_predictions": {
            "2": "false"
         "text": "A friend of mine had said something about not liking to come to my place just before coming to my place.   In the meanwhile I got to learn about this from another friend of mine and when she arrived at my place I really treated her badly.  I was later ashamed of the way I had treated someone when the person was at my place.",
         "user_labels": {
            "2": "true"

Get suspicious elements#

Get elements where the user label might be incorrect, based on an analysis of all elements labeled so far. Elements are ordered from most to least “suspicious” according to the analysis.

The current implementation relies on cross validation: Several models are trained on different parts of the labeled data; labels are suspected as incorrect if a model’s prediction on a left-out element disagrees with the user label for that element.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/suspicious_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "elements": [
         "begin": 603,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 803,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-5",
         "model_predictions": {
            "123": "true"
         "text": "I feared that I would not be able to hand in the book-report on time as I had started working very late.  The book was difficult to read and my teacher did not accept my work as it was handed in late.",
         "user_labels": {
            "1": "true",
            "123": "true"
         "begin": 0,
         "docid": "isear_dev-0",
         "end": 150,
         "id": "isear_dev-0-0",
         "model_predictions": {
            "123": "true"
         "text": "I was angry when my friends said that I should not receive Nursing Science books because there was a rumour that I was intending to leave the college.",
         "user_labels": {
            "123": "true"

Get contradicting elements#

Get pairs of labeled elements that may be inconsistent with each other. Each pair consists of an element given a positive label and an element given a negative label by the user; since the two elements are similar to each other, there is a possibility that one of the labels is incorrect. Pairs are sorted from most to least similar to each other.

The current implementation relies on distances between text embeddings to identify the opposite-label elements that are similar to each other. In addition, for each pair the endpoint returns a list of unique tokens for each element, i.e. tokens that do not appear in the other element in the pair. This can be used to visualize the similarities/differences between the two texts.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/contradiction_elements?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "pairs": [
            "begin": 71054,
            "docid": "isear_dev-0",
            "end": 71071,
            "id": "isear_dev-0-625",
            "model_predictions": {
               "1": "true"
            "text": "When I fell down.",
            "user_labels": {
               "1": "true"
            "begin": 45472,
            "docid": "isear_dev-0",
            "end": 45580,
            "id": "isear_dev-0-395",
            "model_predictions": {
               "1": "false"
            "text": "I was looking after my cousin's little daughter; she fell down, was slightly injured and cried vociferously.",
            "user_labels": {
               "1": "false"

Additional Analyses#

Get labeled elements enriched tokens#

Get tokens and bigrams that are characteristic of positively labeled elements versus negatively labeled elements for the selected category, along with weights indicating the relative significance of each token/bigram. These can be used to visualize the characteristic vocabulary of the category, e.g. using a word cloud. The current implementation relies on calculating the Mutual Information between the ngrams and the user labels.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/labeled_info_gain?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "info_gain": [
         "text": "done",
         "weight": 15.161635078058437
         "text": "well",
         "weight": 15.161635078058437
         "text": "angry",
         "weight": 6.497295321059118
         "text": "person",
         "weight": 6.497295321059118

Get predictions enriched tokens#

Get tokens and bigrams that are characteristic of positively predicted elements versus negatively predicted elements by the latest model for the selected category, along with weights indicating the relative significance of each token/bigram. These can be used to visualize the characteristic vocabulary of the model predictions, e.g. using a word cloud. The current implementation relies on calculating the Mutual Information between the ngrams and the model predictions.

GET /workspace/<workspace_id>/predictions_info_gain?category_id=<category_id>

Example request:


Example response:

   "info_gain": [
         "text": "done",
         "weight": 15.161635078058437
         "text": "well",
         "weight": 15.161635078058437
         "text": "angry",
         "weight": 6.497295321059118
         "text": "person",
         "weight": 6.497295321059118